Vision :
To help individuals, organisations and society to achieve excellence by providing consultancy & training in acquiring, balancing and continuously upgrading the key success ingredients: data, information, knowledge & action.

: To become a global service provider by the year 2010.
 Values :
Types of Services
Corporate Diagnostics
Six Sigma Training
Executive Overview
Champion Training
Black Belt Training
Green Belt Training
Yellow Belt Training
Areas of Services
Six Sigma- Breakthrough             Strategy
TQM- Long Term Strategy
Business Management
World Class Manufacturing             Practices
Quality Management Tools
Quality and Environment             Management Systems

Diagnostics and Bench             Marking

  • Integrity :To treat all client owned data and information in utmost confidentiality.
  • Honesty :To never take advantage of clients ignorance in maximizing our business by offering services we know will not be suitable.
  • Value for Money : To always deliver value several times more than what it costs a client to engage us.
Strategy : Put knowledge to work and walk the talk by offering customized , client specific and need based solutions .
Our Affiliation
Lean Manufacturing
  • Free membership is open now. Click here to become a member.
  • Dinfoka's recent Six Sigma Training at Taj Residency Aurangabad has been a overwhelming success. This is what the participant's had to say.
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