
Black Belts are the critical core of every Six Sigma implementation. They are change agents and leaders, project managers and problem solvers.

Often the best and the brightest employees of an organization, Black Belts work full-time solving chronic issues that plague company performance.

Because they can have such a profound impact on a Six Sigma deployment and ultimately drive a company ís success, it is critical Black Belts receive the most comprehensive and robust training available.


Dinfoka Consulting Group’s Black Belt Certification Program is focused on building competent, data-driven Six Sigma practitioners. Candidates receive a comprehensive education on the Six Sigma methodology, starting with an in-depth description of the Six Sigma phases, their role within each phase, and the statistical tools necessary for driving a project to success.

The curriculum follows the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) phases, teaching candidates how to integrate Six Sigma tools into an overall approach to process improvement.
Candidates are taught how to launch an improvement project, how to transition it from phase to phase, and
finally how to close out the project


23 days over four months

Who Should Attend?

Anyone desiring the skills of a Six Sigma Black Belt. No previous Six Sigma experience required

What will the participants get at the end of the program?

On completion of this course participants will be able to:

Understand Six Sigma and the DMAIC methodology
Understand their role in the success of a Six Sigma deployment
Properly scope, define and lead Six Sigma projects
Use Minitab for the purposes of data analysis and process improvement
Apply methods learned in the DMAIC process to business issues
Identify the most significant input variables affecting the output of a process
Apply statistical analysis to determine the relationship between key inputs and process outputs
Characterize the equation y = f(x)
Transition projects from phase to phase
Close out projects upon completion
Present projects to instructors, peers and managers

Course Requirements

A laptop running Minitab and Microsoft Office

Certification Requirements

75% average grade on 4 exams, a completed Black Belt Project

Course Methodology

This program combines lectures with experiential learning exercises to maximize comprehension. Throughout the training, each Black Belt candidate works on an actual business issue and applies the skills taught in the classroom to a real world project.
The program is technically challenging to ensure that all graduates gain the skills to implement solutions and produce hard financial results.

Course Outline

Dinfoka’s training consists of 23 days, including four full weeks of training spread over a four-month period, plus an additional three days that focus exclusively on the Define phase of the DMAIC roadmap. These three additional days provide candidates with expanded coverage of the most critical aspect of any Six Sigma project - project scoping and project definition.
Between each one-week training session, Black Belt candidates return to their business environments to apply the tools and methods learned in class to an actual Six Sigma project. Our curriculum is designed to be highly interactive through the use of hands-on simulations and homework assignments.

Course Schedule
Week One
Define Phase
Adult Learning Process
Six Sigma Overview
Roles and Responsibilities
Project Scoping
Project Definition
Computer Familiarization
Minitab Basics Part I
Introduction to Basic Statistics
Project Planning & Deliverables
Week Two
Measure Phase
Project Reviews
Define Phase Review
Process Mapping
Rolled Throughput Yield
Cause & Effect Tools
Minitab Basics Part II
Lean Introduction
Advanced Basic Statistics
Measurement Systems Analysis
Capability Analysis
Project Planning & Deliverables
Week Three
Analyze Phase
Project Reviews
Measure Phase Review
Graphical Data Analysis
Simple Linear Regression and
Central Limit Theorem
Confidence Intervals
Hypothesis Testing
Sigma Testing
Means Testing
Proportions Testing
Process FMEA
Contingency Tables
Sample Size Selection
One-way ANOVA
Project Planning & Deliverables
Week Four
Improve Phase
Project Reviews
Analyze Phase Review
DOE Introduction
Randomized Block Design
(Operational Only)
Full Factorial Experiments
2k Factorial Experiments
Centerpoints and Blocking
(Operational Only)
Fractional Factorial Experiments
DOE Sample Size Selection
Statapult Exercise
Attribute DOE (Transactional Only)
Introduction to Logistic Regression
(Transactional Only)

Week Five
Control Phase
Multiple Regression
Response Surface Design
Black Belts as Pioneers
Introduction to Control
Control Methods
Project Closure Process
Introduction to SPC
Variable SPC & Attribute SPC
Project Planning and Deliverables
Multiple Regression
Response Surface Design
Advanced Regression
Service Operations
Intro to Surveys








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