
Green Belts are a vital component to any successful Six Sigma program.
Many organizations begin Six Sigma deployments by training Champions and Black Belts, then quickly realize they need to involve a larger critical mass of people to achieve breakthrough level results and culture change.
Green Belt training is among the most challenging and robust curricula offered. The goal is not to just train Green Belts, but to develop the very best Green Belts .
With that goal in mind, this program requires both traditional work on a Six Sigma project concurrent to training, and expects students to take exams and subject themselves to a challenging experience.


This Green Belt classroom training comprises of two intense 5- day training sessions. These sessions are separated by approximately four to six weeks to give students the opportunity to apply the tools and concepts learned in class to their own project. After the second week of training, students have the requisite knowledge and skills to complete projects and pass Green Belt certification exams. To facilitate the learning process, students will have regular access to Dinfoka’s Master Black Belts for timely project review and feedback.


10 days, taught in two 5-day sessions
Course Includes Four 3-hour Green Belt exams

Who Should Attend?

Anyone desiring the skills of a Six Sigma Green Belt. No previous Six Sigma experience required

What will the participants get at the end of the program?

On completion of this course participants will be able to:

Understand Six Sigma and the DMAIC methodology
Understand their role in the success of a deployment
Properly define and work on Six Sigma projects
Use Minitab for the purposes of process improvement
Apply the DMAIC process to business issues
Identify the most significant input variables affecting the output of a process.
Apply statistical analysis to determine the relationship between key inputs and process outputs
Characterize the equation y = f(x)
Transition projects from phase to phase
Close out complete projects
Present projects to instructors, peers and managers

Course Requirements

A laptop running Minitab and Microsoft Office

Certification Requirements

75% average grade on 4 exams and a final project

Course Methodology

This program combines lectures with experiential learning exercises to maximize comprehension. Throughout the training, each Green Belt candidate works on an actual business issue and applies the skills taught in the classroom to a real world project.
The program is technically challenging to ensure that all graduates gain the skills to implement solutions and produce hard financial results.

Course Outline
Week One
Define Phase
Week One
Define Phase
Adult Learning Process
Six Sigma Overview
Project Definition
Minitab Tutorial
Introduction to
Basic Statistics
Measure Phase
Process Mapping
Cause and Effect Tools
Measurement Systems
Capability Analysis
Analyze Phase
Graphical Techniques
Process FMEA
Confidence Intervals
Intro to Hypothesis Testing
Mean Testing
Week Two
Improve Phase

DOE Introduction
Full Factorial
2k Factorial
Statapult Exercise
Control Phase
Introduction to
Control Methods
Introduction to SPC
Variable SPC
Project Closure
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