Types of Services
We offer both public and in-house training programs-general as well as customized.

Corporate Diagnostics
We undertake a comprehensive diagnostic study to help find out areas that need management attention and improvement. These studies are based on analytical tools developed by Dinfoka's wealth of knowledge and expertise.
We offer consultancy on day basis as well as retainer- ship basis depending on the length of association required.


We are one of the very rare consultancy organizations that help clients find areas of improvement( mostly tangible), take the responsibility to implement them and only then get pre agreed amount (normally a certain percentage)paid!


Areas of Services

With a pool of dedicated , experienced and competent associates and counselors, Dinfoka offers World Class services in a wide spectrum of management and manufacturing areas that are broadly covered under the following divisions:

Six Sigma- Breakthrough Strategy
TQM- Long Term Strategy
Business Management
World Class Manufacturing Practices
Quality Management Tools
Quality and Environment Management Systems
Diagnostics and Bench Marking
Assessments and Awards
Human Resource Development

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