With the equipment costs constituting a significant portion of investment capital and the supply lead times reducing to minutes and hours from days , the traditional concept of machine maintenance can no longer keep the manufacturing fit.
TPM is a robust productivity enhancement strategy without additional capital investment by enhanced asset utilisation.
The clockwork precision with which the Japanese machines produce products with zero down time and Six Sigma quality levels is to a great extent due to the adoption of TPM practices.
Dinfoka has a team experts who have guided many organizations in their TPM journey and the services offered include :
OEE Calculation
KJ-( Kobetsu – Kaizen) (Individual Improvement)
JH-( Jishu – Hozen) (Autonomous Maintenance)
PM -Planned Maintenance
Planned Tool Maintenance
Education & Training
Quality Maintenance system
TPM in Administration & Support Systems
Layout, Safety Health, and Environment

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