
Six Sigma is fast becoming the industry standard for improving processes, reducing waste and earning higher profits.

Six Sigma deployment is being discussed in boardrooms of manufacturing companies, healthcare companies, biotechnology firms, telecom ser vice providers, financial organizations and even government agencies.

If your company is like most, Six Sigma is even seeping its way into your business... your customers are talking about it... your suppliers are talking about it... and maybe even your employees are talking about it.
So what is all the talk about?
Come and find out what Six Sigma is all about at Dinfoka’s two-day executive workshop on Six Sigma.


This program is designed to help key executives gain a working knowledge of the Six Sigma methodology, share case studies from different industries, and learn what it takes to get started with a Six Sigma deployment


Two days

Who Should Attend?

Executives of various departments like manufacturing, quality, design and development, marketing , accounts and finance , personnel and HRD

What will the participants get at the end of the program?

On completion of this course participants will be able to:

Understand birth and evolution of Six Sigma as a powerful business enhancement tool.
Know what kinds of companies are best suited to Six Sigma and what types of results companies can typically expect to see
Gain a basic understanding as to how Six Sigma could be used in their business
Understand the DMAIC approach to problem solving
Understand the roles, responsibilities and needs of each member of the Six Sigma community
Gain a basic understanding of how the cycle of culture change relates to deploying Six Sigma

Course Requirements

Nothing in particular.

Course Methodology

Lectures and simulation exercises

Course Outline

What is Six Sigma
Why Six Sigma and how it is different from other business initiatives
Fundamental Six Sigma Concepts
Six Sigma Roles & Responsibilities
Building Six Sigma Infrastructure
Deploying Six Sigma in your Company
Understanding Six Sigma Project Selection
Case Studies of Six Sigma in Indian Context
Simulation exercise on DMAIC approach

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